Sporthotel Bad Bevensen

Current information


Here you will find current information about the Sporthotel Bad Bevensen and the health resort. This includes, for example, events and festivals in the spa town of Bad Bevensen and the Lüneburger Heide. You will also find information about new offers and services at our Sporthotel. This page is regularly updated by our service team, so we recommend our guests to inform themselves here regularly so that you do not miss anything.

Corona-related restrictions in our hotel

Due to the current Corona situation, the applicable distance regulations of 1.5 m and the mask requirement apply in the public areas of our hotel. Our fitness area will remain completely closed until further notice and can therefore not be used.

The tennis courts and the skittle and bowling alleys can be used again, provided you have made a reservation in advance.

As a hotel, we follow a strict hygiene concept and expect our guests to observe these rules. Despite these restrictions, we strive to make your stay with us as pleasant as possible.

Your team from the Sporthotel Bad Bevensen

Written on: 09/01/2020

There are currently no further entries!

Please come back soon.

Have we piqued your interest?

Here you can find out more about our room offers and their availability. You can also make an online booking here.

How to contact us!

Visit our Sporthotel in the idyllic Bad Bevensen and let our friendly and professional service convince you. Our team is always courteous and looks forward to your visit and any form of contact.


Römstedter Straße 8, 29548 Bad Bevensen


+49 5821 9673220


Contact us!